Student Data Talks

Third year students will present their data in an informal setting to fellow students and faculty in the program. These talks serve as an invaluable part of our students’ education and a wonderful opportunity to develop a dialogue to discuss the big questions of Chemical Biology. 

February 14 - 4:30pm in Warren Alpert 563(HMS)

February 28 - 4:30pm in Pfizer Lecture Hall(Cambridge)

March 13 - 4:30pm in Warren Alpert 563(HMS)

March 27 - 4:30pm in Pfizer Lecture Hall(Cambridge)

Fall Retreat

All current Chemical Biology students and faculty are invited to attend the Chemical Biology Program Retreat. The purpose of the retreat is to bring the entire community together to learn about current research in Chemical Biology. Faculty and fifth year students present their research orally and second, third and fourth year students present posters.  

Upcoming Student Dissertation Defenses     

April 1 - Peyton Randolph(Liu lab) 2:00pm in Monadnock Room(Broad)    

May 6 - Theresa Oei(Kingston lab) 10:00am 

June 6 - Drew Dates(Blacklow lab) 2:00pm

July 26 - Kristian Teichert(Kadoch lab) 1:00pm