Nathalie Agar
Brigham and Womens Hospital
Neurosurgery, BLI, Room 137
221 Longwood Ave.
Boston, MA 02115
Tel: 617-525-7374
Email: nathalie_agar@dfci.harvard.edu
Website: agarlab.bwh.harvard.edu
Lab Size: Between 5-10
The research aims to develop and implement biochemical classifications to enable surgeons and oncologists to tailor treatment from the time of surgery, and allow personalized cancer care using molecular imaging with mass spectrometry. Molecular classification of brain tumors should allow to rapidly identify and grade tumors, and to predict a tumor’s behavior and its response to treatment. Together with the National Center for Image-Guided Therapy, Dr Agar’s group is developing a direct in vivo mass spectrometry analysis of surgical tissue to assist in the evaluation of tumor margins during surgery. This state-of-the-art application relies on the integration of a surgical probe with ambient ionization mass spectrometry and neuronavigation. The laboratory and its key collaborators are devoted to combine approaches and expertise to expedite the development of diagnostic means to further personalize cancer care from surgery to the selection of adjuvant chemotherapy.