Philip Cole
Harvard Medical School
77 Ave. Louis Pasteur
Boston, MA 02115
Tel: 617-525-5208
Email: pacole@bwh.harvard.edu
Lab Size: Between 10-15
Our research involves the chemical biology of protein post-translational modifcations (PTMs) in the context of signaling, epigenetics, and cancer. We develop and apply chemical approaches including protein semisynthesis and small molecule probes to the study of protein phosphorylation, acetylation, ubiquitination, and other PTMs in enzymes and cellular networks. We are currently investigating the functions, regulation, and mechanisms of PTEN lipid phosphatase, Akt protein kinase, NEDD4 ubiquitin ligases, LSD1 histone demethylase, HDAC1 deacetylase, the CoREST complex, and p300/CBP acetyltransferase. We strive to translate our findings in signaling and epigenetics to identify novel therapeutic opportunities for the treatment of cancer and other diseases.
Wu, M., Hayward, D., Kalin, J. H., Song, Y., Schwabe, J.W.R., Cole, P.A. (2018) Lysine-14 Acetylation of Histone H3 in Chromatin Confers Resistance to the Deacetylase and Demethylase Activities of an Epigenetic Silencing Complex eLife June 5, e37231.
Chu, N., Salguero, A. L., Liu, A. Z., Chen, Z., Dempsey, D. R., Ficarro, S. B., Alexander, W. M., Marto, J. A., Li, Y., Amzel, L. M., Gabelli, S. B., Cole, P. A. (2018) Akt Kinase Activation Mechanisms Revealed Using Protein Semisynthesis Cell 174, 897-907.
Zucconi, B., Mafoske, J., Meyers, D. J., Hwang, Y., Wu, M., Kuroda, M. I., Cole, P. A. (2019) Combination Targeting of the Bromodomain and Acetyltransferase Active Site of p300/CBP Biochemistry 58, 2133-2143.