Stuart Schreiber
7 Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02142
Tel: 617-714-7080
Email: schreiberlab@broadinstitute.org
Website: broadinstitute.org/schreiber-lab
Lab Size: Between 15 and 20
By examining a series of alleles linked to a disease, we can learn the effect of modulating candidate therapeutic targets in terms of both efficacy and safety. This approach to therapeutic discovery requires that we innovate chemical biology; for example, by discovering small molecules that impart on a therapeutic target the biochemical mechanism of disease protection seen with protective alleles.
The Schreiber laboratory is focused on the science of small-molecule drug discovery. The lab discovers small-molecule probes of targets and processes revealed by human genetics to be essential for disease, especially human cancers, diabetes and Crohn’s disease. It is also determining the genetic features of human cancers that correlate with small-molecule drug efficacy so that medicines can be identified that target the vulnerabilities revealed by the genetics of a patient’s tumor.
To facilitate the discovery of small-molecule probes and drugs, the Schreiber lab develops and applies next-generation organic synthesis, cell-based methods of small-molecule screening, and unbiased methods for understanding mechanism-of-action. The lab’s basic research tests emerging concepts in human disease with small-molecule probes or drugs in physi¬ologically relevant conditions.
Schreiber, Stuart L. “Organic synthesis towards small-molecule probes and drugs”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A., 2011, 108, 6699-6702.
Schreiber, Stuart L., et al. “Towards patient-based cancer therapeutics”, Nature Biotech., 2010, 28, 904-906.
Schreiber, Stuart L. ʺMolecular diversity by designʺ. Nature, 2009, 457, 153‐154.
Schreiber, Stuart L. ʺThe gap between scientistsʹ aspiration and societyʹs expectationsʺ. ChemBioChem, 200, 10, 26‐29.